Friday, August 20, 2010

Muslim Mosque

So I'm sure you all have heard about the current dilemma involving a Muslim mosque being built extremely close to Ground Zero.  Obviously most of America is in uproar around this.  America, beautiful and HUGE, the Muslims can build their mosque somewhere else!  Anyone that cares about this current problem is sure to have seen Obama's speech on how "the Muslims have their right to practice their religion, as well as any other religion." Really?  Then how come prayer is restricted in any building that recieves federal taxes?  No I'm not kidding, Glenn Beck is hosting an event at the Kennedy Center on 8/28 (I wish I could go!) and he recently recieved a phone call from the Kennedy Center asking him if he was planning on praying.  He replied, yes.  They told him that prayer is restricted inside any tax-funded building...So basically every place in America that isn't your own home?  Glenn Beck (Thank God) said he would pray anyway...So if Obama's so for religion and our right to practice what we want, why doesn't he get that law changed?  He's so caring about these sensitive topics, after all.  And if he's on board with following the Constitution (As the First Amendment is right to religion) why is he trying to eliminate the Second Amendment?
This guy better get his story straight...

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