Friday, August 20, 2010

Muslim Mosque

So I'm sure you all have heard about the current dilemma involving a Muslim mosque being built extremely close to Ground Zero.  Obviously most of America is in uproar around this.  America, beautiful and HUGE, the Muslims can build their mosque somewhere else!  Anyone that cares about this current problem is sure to have seen Obama's speech on how "the Muslims have their right to practice their religion, as well as any other religion." Really?  Then how come prayer is restricted in any building that recieves federal taxes?  No I'm not kidding, Glenn Beck is hosting an event at the Kennedy Center on 8/28 (I wish I could go!) and he recently recieved a phone call from the Kennedy Center asking him if he was planning on praying.  He replied, yes.  They told him that prayer is restricted inside any tax-funded building...So basically every place in America that isn't your own home?  Glenn Beck (Thank God) said he would pray anyway...So if Obama's so for religion and our right to practice what we want, why doesn't he get that law changed?  He's so caring about these sensitive topics, after all.  And if he's on board with following the Constitution (As the First Amendment is right to religion) why is he trying to eliminate the Second Amendment?
This guy better get his story straight...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Come on, Six Flags!

I get updates by email from Glenn Beck's website, and he was talking about an event that Six Flags will be holding this year...Muslim Family Day! I have no problem, of course I won't personally be going...but the date of this event? September 12!!
Now, it's not September 11th, but it's the day after. Have fun, Six Flags!
Maybe...Muslim Family Day will come in time for Obama to give in and let the Muslims build a mosque on the September 11th sight! Then they can go to Six Flags to celebrate. Oh, how nice!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Glenn Beck

As most of you probably know by now...(I've gotten many emails about it)...Glenn Beck recently revealed that he has macular dystrophy, a disease that could cause him to go blind by next year or before. He revealed this news while giving a speech at Salt Lake during his Revival Tour.  Beck teared up when telling the news, and explaining how his love of reading may be lost when going blind...then, becoming his more...humorous self...regained his composure by saying he'd probably be too lazy to learn Braille.  There is a chance that Beck won't go blind...
Macular Dystrophy is a very RARE condition, and is also inherited...Beck said he went to the doctor because he couldn't focus his eyes...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Family Bonding in Maine!

First of all, Obama and family is on yet ANOTHER family vacation, of course while in the middle of a crisis...but at this point, what else is expected from the White House inhabitants?  Then we hear of the security provided for the weekend trip to Mount Desert Island.  It costs these towns so much money to provide security, and I feel sorry for the conservatives living there forced to pay the taxes of a president they DON'T WANT VISITING!  Then, as if descriptions of what the first family was WEARING and a stalker-like itinerary of everything the family did that day WASN'T enough, we hear of the first dog, the lovely Portuguese Water Dog, (By the way, do we call dogs of the White House "first dogs"?? That sounds SO stupid!)arriving on the private tarmac in a separate plane!  Maybe because the regular JUMBO JET that Obama uses (and spends HOW much money per flight?? Just a question) to fly around the world in couldn't fit on the tiny airport tarmac of little old Mount Desert Island they felt the need to add to the quantity of airplanes they flew, because after all, THE PRESIDENT IS VISITING! He can't arrive like any other person!!  The article, "advertised" on Drudge, links to the Morning Sentinel, a Maine newspaper, written by Rebekah Metzler, titled "White House Wanderers Tour Acadia" goes into EXTREME detail over the time lapse between the family's departure from the airplane, the attire that the President and First Lady wore, and an exact play-by-play of everything the family did that day. Glad we know what's important, or at least the Morning Sentinel does! "Look, honey, the paper came!" "How's that oil spill?" "I don't know...but Obama visited a national park this weekend!" How lovely!  No offense to Rebekah Metzler, I don't know her, the article was well written but to be honest, it's about Obama, so that automatic disliking is already there.  Now about this dog thing: there is a text box to the side of the article that says:
Clarification: Today's story about the arrival of the Obamas said the Obama's dog and one aide arrived on a small jet before the First Family, but there were other occupants on the plane, including several other staffers. The presidential party took two small jets to the Hancock County-Bar Harbor Airport in Trenton because the airport was too small to accommodate the president's usual jet.
Now I'm sure the government's opinion of a "small jet" is WAY different than the little 2-seater "small airplanes" you see in those Alaskan movies.  And of course the president can't travel with his staff, that would be like sitting in the back of an airplane by the jets, and assisting the flight attendants when they pick up garbage! Come on, America, get real!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Obama Diaries

I have to say, I LAUGHED...out loud, when I saw this picture on
Yesterday, Zoe and I were walking through Sam's Club and we stopped to browse over the books. We saw the  Obama Diaries, and after figuring out it that it was, in fact, mainly to TRASH what Obama has done to the U.S.A. in his first year, we decided that we wanted to read it.  We also agreed that the book should've been given a name that more...appropriately gives definition to the Obama-trashing that lay within.  You know, we thought the book might fool some people, but really, does Obama REALIZE what's in that book? On, the slideshow on the home page is mostly of people close to Obama (his wife, his daughter, Oprah) holding a page in "The Obama Diaries". I'm intrigued as to if they're actually READING this book...or are they posing for the publicity as if to convey the message "Oh haha that petty old thing...yes I read it...valid points...of course I look at BOTH sides of political parties!" While under their breath cursing Laura Ingraham's name for unearthing those secrets they've worked so hard to keep quiet. I would've expected Obama to read a book by Laura Ingraham just as much as I expect him to read a book by Glenn Beck (and smile while holding it!!) Well, I guess with this administration, you really get a lot of things you don't expect...